Is it a bad idea to live with a couple?

Living alone while single can be tough because of the lack of companionship. Living with a couple may sound problematic, but it might not be that bad if you think about it. Sure, you might not have the freedom around the house you had when you were living alone and may have to endure some “awkward encounters,” but at the end of the day, you will have two friends to share your time with.

But there’s more to it when it comes to living with couples; they have their own things happening, and you must always watch out to avoid messing up their couple moments. You might also feel left out at times because of the lack of intimacy in your life. However, none of this implies that living with a couple, family, or friends will be good or bad.

Your experience of living with a couple will very much depend on your relationship with that couple. It will depend on how you behave with the couple, your contribution to the household, and how close you are to the couple in question.

This article has listed some common good and bad aspects you might face while living with a couple. We have also evaluated whether moving in with a couple while single is a good idea.

The Benefits Of Living With A Couple

The list of the good things you will enjoy when living with a couple is as follows:

  • You will always have company

Living alone can be extremely lonely when you’re single. But when you start living with a couple, you will always have two well-wishers living with you at all times. People crave human-to-human interaction, and it can be very difficult if we don’t find good company in times of need.

  • Share expenses

Living alone in a big city can be expensive, and rents can go up at any time without warning. But when living with a couple, you don’t have to bear the full expenses yourself; you only have to contribute your share. Living with a couple gives you more financial flexibility.

  • Relationship advice is always around the corner

If you’re single, you’ll probably want to change that sooner or later. When trying to get into a relationship after being single, you might need a little help getting used to the “relationship status.” In situations where you need relationship advice, who better to ask than a couple living together already?

  • Have a sense of security

Whether you agree with it or not, living alone can be scary sometimes. It’s terrifying to think about dangers lurking around you with no one to help you or witness what’s happening. When you’re living with a couple, you don’t have to worry about this because you’re living with two other people in the house.

  • Free food

Living with a couple means they will share their food with you. Couples often make food with slightly larger portions, meaning there will be enough leftover for you. Also, if you’re unorganized with your eating habits, the couple could feel bad for you and decide to feed you.

Also Read: What’s a Live-in Relationship?

The Disadvantages of Living with A Couple

Here is the list of bad experiences you may have to endure while living with a couple:

  • You will feel like a third wheel

The couple you’re living with will want to do more involving them. You will feel like the third wheel when they’re doing what couples do, and you’re just sitting there with a blank face.

  • Awkward sex encounters

When you walk into the house, you may catch the couple having sex on the couch, or you may notice them being giddy and making their way to the bedroom, or if you live in the room right next to theirs, the sex noises can ruin your night.

  • See the couple in their worst times

Being in a relationship is not all fun and games; it has its ups and downs. So when you live with a couple, you must see them at their worst. They will likely fight like cats and dogs in front of you while you sit awkwardly and watch while they tear the house apart.

  • They may see you as a burden

Let’s call it like it is: people will accept you only when you can give something back. You will be unwanted if you start living with a couple and don’t share the rent, respect their privacy, treat them well, or help keep the house clean. In situations like this, you will be seen as a burden, and they will not enjoy your company.

  • Jealousy might seep in

You may be confident that you’re not the type to become jealous of a happy couple. But once you start living with a couple and see the happy couple cuddling after a long day or having date nights, you may feel left out.

Is It A Bad Idea To Live With A Couple?: Wrapping Up

Whether your idea of moving in with a couple is good or bad depends on quite a few things. But our analysis also shows that it all simply comes down to you and the couple you’re planning on living with.

It helps if the couple you’re living with is close friends or family members, but if that’s not the case, you will have to do everything you can to build a friendship between you and the couple. Make both people in the couple your friends.

You will have to make an effort to have a good time while living with a couple. You will have to be well organized in your personal life, learn to respect other people’s space and privacy, and contribute to the household.

Estelle J. Garrido

Estelle J. Garrido

I'm a full-time blogger who loves to write about relationships, self-help and technology. I receive a fair amount of marriage proposals, but I am happily married to myself ? I really enjoy helping others realize how easy it is to find the right person and how to sustain healthy relationship.

1 Comment
  1. I was planning to move with a couple. You made some legit points here regarding the pros and cons of living with a couple. I guess now I can make my decision 🙂

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